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Chief Inspector issues Urgent Notification following inspection of HMP Wandsworth

Less than a week after completing his unannounced inspection, HM Chief Inspector of Prisons Charlie Taylor, has written to the Justice Secretary highlighting the deaths, despondency and drugs inside Wandsworth Prison.

The poor outcomes we found at Wandsworth stemmed from poor leadership at every level of the prison, from HMPPS and the Ministry of Justice, leading to systemic and cultural failures that have led to this shocking decline. There was a degree of despondency amongst prisoners that I have not come across in my time as Chief Inspector.

What does the Chief Inspector say about conditions inside Wandsworth Prison?

In his report the Chief Inspector highlights:

  • weaknesses in security and "chaotic" wings with staff unable to account for all prisoners

  • the high level of self-harm and self-inflicted deaths, 7 in the last 12 months. 40% of emergency bells in cells not answered within five minutes

  • the ease with which prisoners can obtain illicit drugs and the ubiquitous smell of cannabis

  • vermin, cramped and dirty cells and showers and heating which fall below a decent standard

  • only 41% of prisoners said that staff treated them with respect, significantly lower than comparable prisons

  • most prisoners spend over 22 hours a day locked in their cells with very little purposeful activity and no idea of when or if they will be unlocked

  • consistent failures to access healthcare services

What's life like inside Wandsworth Prison?

The Chief Inspector gives examples of some of the issues highlighted by the Wandsworth Prison Improvement Campaign.

  • At reception, prisoners received only one set of clothing, including underwear, to last them up to a week.

  • Prisoners on E wing went without showers for five days during the inspection because there was no hot water. Many showers were in poor condition and there were frequent issues with heating and hot water

  • Despite some recent improvement, vermin remained a problem. Some food serveries had rodent droppings.

  • Almost all prisoners had to eat their meals in cramped cells next to their toilets.

  • Although there was a stable and well-led healthcare team, important medical appointments were missed because of prison staff absences.. Patients "too frequently" did not receive critical medication.

  • The library was large and welcoming but prisoners were rarely able to visit it.

Why are conditions at Wandsworth Prison so bad?

Wandsworth Prison is "badly overcrowded" and has a transient population, with more than half on remand. The fabric of the building needs significant investment. Despite a full complement of officers, sickness, restricted duties and training mean that over a third are not available to be deployed each day, resulting in curtailed regimes and burnt-out staff. While he acknowledged that there are many well-meaning and hard-working leaders and staff at Wandsworth Prison, the Chief Inspector noted that there is inexperience at every grade, inconsistency and a lack of high standards.

What needs to change at Wandsworth Prison?

For this troubled prison to begin to recover, Wandsworth needs permanent, experienced leaders at all levels who are invested in the long-term future of the prison to improve security, safety and guide their less experienced colleagues. Charlie Taylor , HM Chief Inspector of Prisons, 9 May 2024

What happens next?

The Justice Secretary, Alex Chalk, has 28 days to respond to the Urgent Notification from the Chief Inspector. He has to produce an Action Plan and identify the key people who will bring about the change required. The Secretary of State's response will be published.

Where can I read the Chief Inspector's report?

You can find the Chief Inspector's Urgent Notification letter and the more detailed inspection debriefing paper on the HMI Prisons website here

You can find the Chief Inspector's previous report on Wandsworth, published in January 2022, here and the follow-up review of progress, published in July 2022, here

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